Eminent Congress in Copenhagen (8-10 Nov.)

One moment during the presentation of our Project

Well, well, well … It was short, but really impressive!  It is not so frequent that a high school teacher leaves the walls of the classroom and some hours later finds himself in the middle of a Congress, among hundreds of teachers from all over Europe and all sorts of education policy makers, including a Minister of education, as your next seat partner.

These three days have been just amazing, despite some usual problems flight passengers from Noain have to get through,  like lost luggage or missing flight connections. I ended up in Copenhagen safely and with no worries about my back and the carrying of my suitcase. That also meant that at the Gala Dinner, that night, everybody understood my volunteering to take the photos and not appear in them.

On Monday, before the Gala Dinner, we had some hours to stroll in Copenhagen, and it was really worth it: Pity I didn’t have my bike with me! What a nice town, and what a relaxed pace we could feel on the streets. Then there was time to get to know the people in the Spanish group, and some other important people in the eTwinning world.

On Tuesday, after a very early morning walk on the streets of Copenhagen, which included a visit to its Cathedral, I started the Congress.  Everything developed real fast, and soon, after some very interesting talks, we had lunch and continued with the rest of the afternoon sessions. That evening we gathered again, but this time only the Spanish group, for our last dinner in Denmark. Our Valencian waiter joined us in all the fun we had all through the dinner.

Snapshot of "So Far, So Near" presentation

On Wednesday, at 9:00, I had my presentation. I really felt proud of this unique chance I have been given to tell teachers from so many different places about our work. In that moment I wished all the students from both schools, besides my Polish colleagues Mr. and Mrs. Grzyb, were there with me. When I finished, after a warm applause to the content of the project, there were several teachers willing to congratulate me, and ask to join us as partners.

Then it was time for the last and really interesting talks. Finally, after a quick lunch, we took a taxi and headed for the airport. A little bit after 4:00 pm we were leaving Danish soil. As I said at the beginning: short but very rewarding!.

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Summary of “So Far, So Near (2009-10)” eTwinning Project

It’s time to finish everything related to last year’s project, and concentrate on this year’s. Here you are a complete summary which includes all major activities done during the year and links to many of the resources created. Remember that, if you want to have a complete idea of what the project is all about,  the best way to do so is to go to our Moodle virtual classroom and see if yourself (user name: guest09 // password: guest ). Soon I’ll bring you some news about my trip to Copenhagen for the Eminent Congress. One last piece of news is that our project is one of the five, among all people attending from most countries in the UE, to be presented live at the Congress. So, … How do you like it?

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So far, So Near, algunos reconocimientos

Me escribe Elisa Echenique, responsable de la Sección de Programas Europeos e Internacionales del Departamento de Educación de Navarra, y nos felicita a todos los que hemos participado en el proyecto a lo largo del curso.  En su correo señala, y copio textualmente: “Habéis hecho un fantástico trabajo, enhorabuena una vez más y ánimo para seguir con nuevas ideas. He informado a mis superiores porque estas cosas hay que difundirlas.”

En su correo me añade que nuestro trabajo ha sido reconocido como experiencia destacada en la página del Ministerio de Educación (Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas-eTwinning), y como tal se ofrece a todos los centros a través de su portal.

Asimismo, y a través del blog ParaPNTE de la Sección de Nuevas Tecnologías,  se ha recogido también este reconocimiento hacia nuestro proyecto, a la vez que se nos felicita por el trabajo realizado.

En nombre de todos y todas los que hemos trabajado en él, y especialmente en el de mis colegas polacos (Ela y Marcin, en los extremos de la foto) y mío,  queremos agradecer estas felicitaciones. Para quienes no conozcan qué es y cómo se trabaja en el ámbito escolar pueden parecer poca cosa, pero para los que trabajamos con jóvenes sabemos bien el valor de un reconocimiento público al trabajo bien hecho. Nuestro alumnado necesita esto quizás en mayor medida que la corrección en el error.

A unos y otros, muchas gracias, y a todos os animamos a visitar nuestro blog o a entrar en nuestra aula virtual (usuarioguest09 // contraseñaguest) y conocer de qué estamos hablando.

Por último quiero agradecer al ITE la invitación que me ha hecho, y que me llega a través de Elisa, para acudir a un PDW eTwinning (Professional Development Workshop) que se va a celebrar los días 8-10 en Copenhague. Se trata del congreso Eminent ‘for teachers’ en el que participa profesorado  de todos los países europeos expertos en temas de TIC y educación, además de responsables educativos al más alto nivel. Acudimos profesores y profesoras de treinta países y, voy a hacer un poco de publicidad para nuestro trabajo, sólo cinco hemos sido elegidos para presentar a todos los asistentes qué hemos hecho.

La verdad es que todo promete, ya contaré a la vuelta cómo ha ido todo.

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Congratulations, and thanks, 2 our Polish Friends!!

We have got news that our Polish friends have been awarded as second best project in Poland. As one ninth of all eTwinning projects are made by Polish schools, although there are almost 30 countries involved, this award has to be valued as something really important.

They published in their webpage and in their blog, lucky them they can do it, some more detailed information about this prize and some of the contents and tasks made during the year thanks to this Project.  Then they printed some diplomas for all the students involved in the Project, also for Ibaialde students, and sent them to Burlada. We want to thank them for this small, but very nice, token of affection.

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Finally I asked them to write a short article for our magazine, Ibaialde News 18, about what the project had been like. Here you are the article three of the Polish students wrote. I think they deserve our best compliments for such a neat, and complete, article.

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Me and my eTwinning pal (Wiki project)

Hi everybody,

Today I bring you what we have done in one of our last collaborative tasks in our eTwinning Project.

We, the teachers, thought that we were reaching the end of this school year and it was high time to do something different. So we proposed our students to write in pairs with a foreign partner about any topic they might find interesting to them, and it could have the format which suited them best: An interview (where they interviewed each other), a description, a story, a poem, a collaborative project on something/somebody they both liked (a group of music, a TV series, …) … But the one thing which was important and they had to respect when doing it is THEY HAD TO use the wiki we had created for them in our virtual classroom at Ibaialde Moodle.

Each pair had a site (wiki) where both partners could work together according to the characteristics of a wiki.  Once they found a partner they had to agree on the topic and what their approach to it was going to be like. Then it was the time to start work.  They could include photos, links to web-pages and videos, … so they could do almost any thing. We invited them to feel free and get ready to surprise us with their collaborative work!! And they DID IT!!

Here we bring you the contents of some of the wiki projects they have made.There are a lot more, but we consider these 14 pages are a good sample of how this tool can be used to work together with far away partners.

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